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Paddle Blender VS Ribbon Blender | JCT Machinery

Author: JCT source: Datetime: 2023-12-26 15:16:08

paddle blender     ribbon blender

Paddle Blender: Paddle blender features wide, paddle-shaped blades that gently lift and tumble materials, making them ideal for mixing sticky and frible powders.

Ribbon Blender: Ribbon blender adopts a double-helix design of inner and outer spiral ribbons to provide positive convection mixing and is suitable for efficient mixing of free-flowing and non-viscous materials.

1. Blade Design

Paddle Blender: Paddle blender has broad, paddle-shaped blades that extend outward from the central shaft. The blades are typically positioned at a slight angle to the shaft.

Ribbon Blender: Ribbon blender has inner and outer helical ribbons that form a double helix. The ribbons are usually set at a slight angle and rotate around a central axis.


2. Mixing Action

Paddle Blender: Paddle blender provides a gentle, radial mixing action. The paddles lift and tumble he material, promoting a rolling and folding motion, which is ideal for delicate or fragile maerials.

Ribbon Blender: Ribbon blender provides a more aggressive and convactive mixing action. The helical ribbons create a well-defined flow pattern, ensuring efficient blending of materials.


3. Material Handling

Paddle Blender: Paddle blender is well-suited for cohesive and sticky materials. The gentle mixing action helps prevent material build-up on the blades.

Ribbon Blender: Ribbon blender is effective for free-flowing and non-cohesive materials. The intense mixing action helps break up agglomerates and achieve homogeneity.


4. Applications

Paddle Blender: Commonly used in industries such as food, pharmaceuticals and chemials for mixing cohesive powders, granules and fragile materials without causing product degradation.

Ribbon Blender: Widely used in industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and construction for mixing dry powders, granules and bulk materials with a focus on achieving uniform blending.


5. Size Range

Paddle Blender: Available in a range of sizes to accommodate different batch sizes and production requirements.

Ribbon Blender: Available in various sizes, including large-capacity models for industrial-scale production.

Technical Support: Magic Lamp