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Different Between Acid Silicone Seant and Neutral Silicone Sealant | JCT Machinery

Author: JCT source: Datetime: 2024-01-12 15:11:54

Acid Silicone Sealant

1. Curing Agent

Acid silicone sealant use an acid curing agent, usually acetic acid. This allows acetic aciid vapor to be generated during the curing process.

2. pH Value

Acid siilicone sealant have a lower pH, usually in the acid range.

3. Hardening Speed

Acid silicone sealant usually harden quickly and can form a hardened film in a short time.

4. Corrosion to metal

Because acid silicone sealant contain acid substances, they may be corrosive to some metal surfaces.

5. Application Scenarios

Acid silicone sealant is generally not suiitable for applications that have corrosive effects on metals or sensitive materials, but they are widely used on some non-metallic materials.

silicone sealant

Neutral Silicone Sealant

1. Curing Agent

Neutral or ethoxy curing agents are used in neutral silicone sealants and do not produce acetic acid vapor.

2. pH Value

Neutral silicone sealants have a pH close to neutral.

3. Hardening Speed

Neutral silicone sealant harden relatively slowly and usually take a longer time to fully harden.

4. Corrosion to Metal

Neutral silicone sealants are usually less corrosive to metals and are suitable for occasions where metals are required.

5. Application Scenarios

Since neutral silicone sealants are less corrosive to metals, they are more common in construction, automobiles, electronics and other fields, and are especially suitable for occasiions in contact with metals.

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