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8 Sudan quality customer believes reactor

Author: JCT source: Datetime: 2015-12-11 16:56:47

Kim Chang-tai reactor, Sudan clients hand eight years

Sudan client Abas and Jin Chang Tai Machinery established long-term cooperative partnership. In 2007, the customers into the Chinese buy reactor still twenty-three manufacturers than the price. But we saw the original design drawings of the German reactor, immediately wanted to keep us up. During the negotiations, Abas mentioned, although now the machinery industry is not competitive, but as a trader, he is still machinery advanced technology as a selling point. And Kim Chang Thailand adopted the German original design drawings, in line with the current needs of the machinery industry. Sudan client Abas is known in his local mechanical traders. For decades in machinery trade, has also repeatedly to enter the Chinese to buy machinery. 8 years, Abas and Jin Chang Thailand has a deep friendship, and purchased a dozen from Jin Chang Thai reactor, really for Jin Chang Tai Chan Machinery point.



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